
Saturday Jun 19, 2021
How you lose weight is more important than how much and how fast you lose it
Saturday Jun 19, 2021
Saturday Jun 19, 2021
Thanks to everyone that downloads our podcast.
Please keep in mind this quote if you want to lose weight or if you start losing weight!
I think it's the best way to start losing weight by understating this quote. In this way, you will not pay attention to the scale, diet, what is the best workout for you, how much you bench and all of these things.
If you need any advice & support with your journey in losing weight please let us know at office@eatshealthy.uk

Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Why do people smoke?
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
Thursday Jun 17, 2021
This is one approach :)
Any questions or advice email us at office@eatshealthy.uk

Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Stress & eating is not a good combination
Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Tuesday Jun 08, 2021
Most of the cases of obesity are because people use food to "lower" their stress level. In reality, in these cases, the food does the same thing as a drug, cover the problem but will not resolve it.
Questions or need help? office@eatshealthy.uk

Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Exercises for a busy lifestyle
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Wednesday Jun 02, 2021
Simple exercises that can help you stay on track. The only thing is to do it daily.

Wednesday May 26, 2021
How to motivate yourself on days you don't feel like
Wednesday May 26, 2021
Wednesday May 26, 2021
All of us have this kind of days and this is how I do it and this is what I recommend.

Tuesday May 25, 2021
A healthy person asks for 1000 things
Tuesday May 25, 2021
Tuesday May 25, 2021
A healthy person asks for 1000 things & a sick person asks for 1 thing.
Remember this quote and think about how important is your health and why you are so important.

Saturday May 22, 2021
What do you choose between microwaved food and cooked food
Saturday May 22, 2021
Saturday May 22, 2021
In this podcast, we will compare and make an association between these 2 types of food and life.
It's an interesting perspective, you have to listen.

Wednesday May 19, 2021
We don't focus on our health but on how many calories we eat!
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Wednesday May 19, 2021
Sometimes I think that we build a society where is:
NO more about health but is much more about calories, diets and skinny.
NO more about health but only fast results or faster, faster, faster anything else.
NO more about health but about who can lose the most amount of weight in the shortest period.

Sunday May 16, 2021
How long should last a workout?
Sunday May 16, 2021
Sunday May 16, 2021
Yes, everyone is concern about how long should last a workout. The real problem is that people forget about the idea of daily exercise and if they start to exercise they have to do it properly and spend the right amount of time in the gym.
Please just "Do something!!!"
Is not about 1-hour workout or 30 minute or etc. it's about doing something every single day.
It's about pumping some blood in your muscles, to feel alive, to feel the pain, to feel your heart.

Thursday May 06, 2021
If you want to learn how to breath, start exercising
Thursday May 06, 2021
Thursday May 06, 2021
"Before exercising you have to learn how to breath" Yes, it's a way of seeing things but I have another perspective that we know already how to breathe we just have to know how can we adapt to the things that we do(different exercises.
By doing exercises you will understand how to adapt your breathing to the circumstances and create a tempo.
Just do it.