
Wednesday Jun 08, 2022
Why you should start preparing the meals?
Wednesday Jun 08, 2022
Wednesday Jun 08, 2022
1) one thing that I saw after cycling 2700km in 25 days through 8 countries is that you have good nutrition the body will get stronger and do whatever you want him to do. 2) organizing your meals for the next day means you taking care of your body. 3) the process of losing weight is not only about organizing your meals but organizing your life. 4) Have the meals ready for the next day you will not be able to find excuses 5) how many times did you find yourself dizzy at the gym because you didn't have time to eat properly that day? 6) the nutrition counts for 24-48 hours before you go to the gym. not only what you ate that day.

Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
The third week in the process of losing weight
Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
Tuesday Jun 07, 2022
Repetition is what creates the paths between 2 or more neurons and creates new skills. That's why the process of losing weight is not only about losing the fat and looking better, it's an entire process of developing yourself. By having prepared the dinner for the next day you will avoid finding excuses to not eat snacks, sweets, or junk food.

Friday Jun 03, 2022
The second week of losing weight
Friday Jun 03, 2022
Friday Jun 03, 2022
It's very easy to find excuses❗ The idea of creating good habits and having prepared the meals for the next day will not allow for future events to interfere with your health because everything is ready. You just have to eat it😁 The most important thing that I'm looking for right now is to convince your brain that you start taking care of yourself. In this way the bad hormones realeased will be less and your mood will improve a lot. Also, creating this habit of 2 fruits every day can beat the bad habit of eating chocolate bars or any other sweets. Just try it and let me know how it goes💚

Thursday Jun 02, 2022
The 4 steps(first week) on losing weight
Thursday Jun 02, 2022
Thursday Jun 02, 2022
What you can get from this week: - organization skills - cooking skills - time Also, you can empty your mind and enjoy the process

Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Let’s start small with your diet
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Because of all these ads and campaigns, people start developing the idea that "I don't know anything" I have to go and ask a PT or a nutritionist because they know the secrets. Nobody knows you better than you do❗ The best way of getting to the light from this dark place and lying si to take a piece of paper and write down things that you know from your expertise that you are doing wrong. - Because I eat too much sugar - Because I don't eat fruits - Because I don't have regular meals - Because I don't drink enough water etc. This will help you get back in control of your mind and body and also know that you are in control. Try this exercise and let me know how it went and write in the comments what do you think you are doing wrong😁

Tuesday May 31, 2022
Cook and feed yourself as you do it for your kid
Tuesday May 31, 2022
Tuesday May 31, 2022
In the aeroplane stewards, every time say if the masks fall first put to yourself and then put it to your kid. It's hard to swallow this but you are more important than your kid(till 16-20 years old) And if you find time to feed him, if you find time to cook for him you have time to cook for yourself. Start small and start to organize yourself. if you start to organize yourself to cook for yourself and feed yourself properly you will start doing the same thing in another part of your life.

Sunday May 29, 2022
Don’t beat yourself up💚
Sunday May 29, 2022
Sunday May 29, 2022
You have to destroy the fake picture inside of your brain that you create by looking at others and seeing them very shredded and thinking that this is how you want to be at the end of the process. There are more important things like becoming healthier, losing weight, increasing your stamina, and being energised than just looking good. This process must become part of your life, that's why is so important to start small, create habits and make sure that whatever happens in your life you can stick to eating healthy and exercising every day.

Saturday May 28, 2022
I don’t feel like doing this or I feel like doing this🤬
Saturday May 28, 2022
Saturday May 28, 2022
1) where is this idea coming from? 2) when is about your health you don't have to relate to this "I don't feel like!" 3) there are 2 parts of your brain, logical and emotional 4) the emotional part is 5x stronger than the logical part 5) the idea is to make them work together 6) small actions building small habits build a better communication between both parts and help you much more on a daily basis 7) big commitments like "tomorrow I start that diet, tomorrow I buy a year subscription at the gym, etc" will create a lot of friction between the 2 parts of your brain and you will end up saying "I don't feel like doing that" 8) better communication between the 2 parts will also improve your motivation and you will feel motivated without watching any audio, melody, speech 9) hope you are healthy

Friday May 27, 2022
Break time, the kid that shot America🥺
Friday May 27, 2022
Friday May 27, 2022
In the process of losing weight, you have to understand that at the gym you break the muscles and with good nutrition and rest you rebuild your muscles to become stronger.
By doing that, your body consumes more energy and that helps us lose weight.
That's why today I want to take a break and discuss about the tragedy from America with the kid that shot the kids in school.

Thursday May 26, 2022
Thursday May 26, 2022
When it's about people who want to lose weight and be healthy I don't think as a personal trainer or nutritionist you need to explain all the technical things about proteins, fats, carbs, amino acids etc.
They are not athletes❗
The one basic rule for these people is to understand to not break the communication between their brain and internal organs.
By listening to the propaganda of the big companies "you don't have to do anything, we do it for you!" And sell you some mixing powders that "subsidies" a full meal break this communication if you take it for a long time.
And is not hard to do it because these companies need money, which means they have to sell more which means to convince you to buy more and drink more.
This analogy with steroids is very simple.
If you start taking steroids(just for muscles) your brain will say: "hey organs that produce steroids you don't have to work anymore" and in this way, they stop producing in a natural way steroids.
When the external source disappears the brain tries as hard as possible to communicate with these organs to produce steroids at the same levels but they can't because they become lazy.
The same thing happens with supplements when you abuse them, disrupting the communication between your brain and internal organs.